Shifu Jonas Karosas is Co-Director of the Aiping Tai Chi Center. Shifu Jonas is one of Grandmaster Aiping Cheng's first American students, studying with her since she first started teaching in Connecticut in 1996. He has studied Yang, Chen and Sun styles of tai chi under Grandmaster Cheng, winning numerous tai chi competitions. Shifu Jonas has also studied the Twelve Dynamics Tai Chi Training System under its creator, Dr. Changnian (William) Zhang). Here are a few lessons Shifu Jonas learned these past 20+ years:
The key is in practice. Since body is used to develop inner skill, correct body movement is important.
One has to learn ABC’s before attempting to read, same applies to tai chi chuan.
Slow is faster and soft is better as far as it applies to practice and individual progress.
Attitude matters – relaxed, peaceful, playful and respectful works.
There is a treasure within each person - it is a “WOW” moment that blows the mind away once it is discovered. One needs to be still and quiet for this to happen.
Meditation practice is a must for aspiring seeker.
As one practices taichi chuan, one learns to appreciate even more the other forms of art.
Sharing the knowledge brings the sense of fulfillment. Study never ends.
Shifu Jonas Karosas practicing push hands with a tai chi instructor in Hangzhou, China in 2001.