Welcome!Thank you for visiting the Aiping Tai Chi Center. We have been a trusted resource for the study of tai chi (taijiquan) and internal martial arts in Connecticut since 1996. Hundreds of our students have made the discovery that the ancient Chinese practices of tai chi and qigong promote good physical and mental health.
Our website contains a wealth of information about tai chi. Visit our Classes page to learn about tai chi's origins and lineages. Visit our Research page to learn about its proven health benefits including its ability to increase strength and improve balance, improve cardiovascular function, alleviate arthritis, improve brain function, boost immune system, and much more. Visit our Instructors page to learn about the backgrounds of our grandmaster, Aiping Cheng, and our shifus (instructors) Shirley Chock, Jonas Karosas, and Bob Shannon. Visit our Demos page to see videos of our instructors and students demonstrating tai chi.
We are a school devoted to the study of authentic tai chi and are passionate about teaching this art to everyone. We aim to provide a friendly and encouraging environment to those who are just starting their tai chi discovery or are already on their way. We welcome you to visit our school to observe a class or try out a class for free and discover for yourself what it feels like to start your journey to live stress-free. Visit our Schedule and Fees to see our class schedule, fees and discounts. Join people from all around the world for our live broadcasts: twitch.tv/aipingtaichi. Deepen your learning by subscribing to our Patreon and access our instructional videos library and monthly workshops. If you would like to try out a class, fill out our Registration Form or Contact Us if you have any questions.
We are also happy to discuss bringing tai chi, qigong and tai chi mindfulness and meditation techniques into your organization for health and wellness initatives and organizational effectiveness. We offer on-site classes, workshops, and work breaks. We also offer wellness sessions and stretch breaks for conference and retreats. Visit our Wellness page to learn more about our Corporate Wellness and Community Wellness programs.